My Two Cents


I'd like to thank the Plone Summit organizers for inviting me to the summit, even though I decided not to go (I just got back from a week in Japan, and boy are my arms tired).

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Behind Door #3: A Perspective on the Future of Zope

This is the keynote I gave to the 2007 DZUG Tagung in Potsdam, Monday, June 4th.

In the talk, I addressed the issue of the identity / audience / brand ambiguities which have always plagued Zope. I referenced Jim Fulton's "Two Visions" speech, and then proposed another alternative, using the analogy of the early game show, "Let's Make a Deal".

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pytst: C++ TernarySearchTree with Python bindings

Basically, it behaves like a dictionary, but ... TSTs are a lot smarter than dictionaries when it comes to:

  • Prefix-matching (find the longest entry in the TST which is a prefix to a given string)

  • Scanning (using the Aho-Corasick algorithm, you can implement pretty efficient scanners with a TST, scaling up to tens of thousands of entries)

  • Spelling correctors (find a set of entries which spelling is close to a given string. The distance used is the Levenshtein distance).