Delphi Resources

Delphi is Borland International's new RADical application builder for Windows client-server development. It combines twelve years of Borland's Pascal compiler technology with two-way visual tools and highly-tuned database access.
HADP Presentations
HAC SIG Materials
The following links are to stuff from my presentation to the Houston Area C++ SIG on 28 June 1995:
- Top Ten Reasons Why a Dyed-in-the-Wool C++ Programmer Would Even Care About Delphi Notes from my presentation.
- Directed Graph Components (~23 Kb) The components I showed during the demo. Freeware.
Borland Delphi Resources
Other Delphi Information Pages
Related Usenet Groups
There is a currently active Call For Votes (CFV) for splitting the comp.lang.pascal group -- the details of the split elude me, but several of the new groups, should they pass the CFV process, will be dedicated to Delphi-related topics. Watch here for further details (or read news.announce.newgroups).
- comp.lang.pascal Though frowned upon by some, there is Delphi-related traffic here, as well as the more on-topic discussion of general Pascal issues.
- alt.comp.lang.borland-delphi May be phased out following the CFV, but currently has a higher volume of purely Delphi-related traffic than c.l.p.
Delphi-Talk Mailing List
David Crowder has created a new mailing list called ">alt.comp.lang.borland-delphi May be phased out following the CFV, but currently has a higher volume of purely Delphi-related traffic than c.l.p.
Delphi-Talk Mailing List
David Crowder has created a new mailing list called "Delphi-Talk." This list is for general discussion of Delphi-related topics. To subscribe, send the one-line message:
subscribe delphi-talkto the list server at If you have any questions, you can contact David Crowder at
Available Components (Freeware / Shareware / Commercial)
- Nick Hodges' Page (Infamous Author of TSmiley!)
- Woll2Woll Software, makers of the Infopower components.
- Imagicom, specializing in reselling componentware for Delphi, C++, and Visual Basic. Excellent selection!
- Startech Computer Services, purveyors of Internet-enabled Delphi components, SendMail and GetMail.
- Delphi TAutoButton Component Build your own buttons using pairs / triplets of bitmaps -- make 'em flash, too.
- Delphi CGI Components, which can be used to build a Web server with Delphi as the back-end, including full IDAPI data access. Check it out!
- Michael Ax's Delphi Components A wide-ranging shareware bundle. Worth a long look.
- HyperAct, Inc., makers of a script extension language for Delphi and several cross-platform hypertext tools. Good links, too!
- The Delphi Station from TechnoSoft A "gradient-fill" component and some data-aware buttons, along with the usual links.
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