PyTn 2014 Pyramid Tutorial
I'm giving a 2-hour Pyramid tutorial at the first PyTennessee conference this weekend....
Slides from my presentation are now online....
Slides from my talk at the 2011 Plone Conference are now online....
Moonshining: Making WSGI for Fun and Profit
We will be presenting a full-day tutorial on WSGI at the Plone Symposium East at Penn State on May 26th. You can register via PayPal at the bottom of the page: hope to see you there!...
Gardening the ZTK presence in Launchpad
I wanted to let the zope-dev community know a bit about what Christian
Theune and I have been doing this week. We have done a fair bit of
tidying for the ZTK projects on Launchpad:...
Unit Testing Redux
Following up to an earlier post on effective unit testing: most people are trying too hard....
I just uploaded a tutorial on using Storm with BFG to the BFG tutorial bin. The application is traversal-based, and uses the
storm.zope-based transaction integration, in combination with
repoze.tm2, to make for a very pleasing little CRUD app....
Announcing: Zope 4.0 project
On behalf of the Zope community, I am pleased to announce the creation of the "Zope 4.0" project. After extensive discussion with the Zope wizards in conclave at PyCon 2009, the new project's website has been launched!...
Categorizing Packages: Clarifying Terms
Some of the friction which comes up on the zope-dev list, apparently due to different goals, might in fact be due to some confusion in the terms we use to talk about our goals, and about the shared software we manage toward those goals. In the interests of reducing the friction, I would like to sketch
out how I am using those terms....
A well-written open letter to the Django development community on the practices which make a setuptools-based development process go more smoothly than the historical experience which soured that community on the idea....
A really nicely-done presentation analyzing the costs and tradeoffs of the "monolithic" development culture of Zope2, and recommendations for avoiding the pitfalls....
Post DZUG 2008 Sprint Report
Notes on work done and proposed during the sprint, 12 - 14 September 2008....
Adding Console Scripts to a Plone Buildout
In a straight 'setupttools'-based application, adding one or more
console scripts is straightforward: you just declare them in the
'setup.py', and set setuptools build them for you. However, when
using 'zc.buildout' for Plone 3.0.x or 3.1.x, you have to arrange to
get the non-eggified Zope2 products on the path, which is not easy.
This recipe works for me....
More on repoze.urispace
I blogged yesterday about the fact that I had docs online
for the repoze.urispace package, but didn't do much to motivate
readers' interest: repoze.urispace should be interesting if you have
an application which needs policies which vary based on "where" in
the site the request is addressed. Examples might include: fine-
grained security, theme selection, caching policies, etc....
Docs online for new repoze.urispace package
I have uploaded Sphinxified documentation for repoze.urispace, a
library package which implements most of the W3C URISpace spec
for use in WSGI middleware. I'm planning to use it to select
themes and rulesets for Deliverance based on the URI; other uses
might include setting caching headers, or doing some flavor of
"declarative security" in middleware.