Palladion Software
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Presentations and Talks

File  Zelenium: Browser Testing for Zope
Presented to the inaugural Fredericksburg ZPUG meeting, 2005/06/08
application/vnd.sun.xml.impress, 11 kb

File  Zope Content Management Futures
The keynote presentation for the Zope Track at EuroPython 2005, delivered Monday, 2005/06/27.
application/vnd.sun.xml.impress, 11 kb

File  Zelenium: Browser Testing for Zope
A presentation to the first North American Plone Symposium, New Orleans, Louisiana, 21 July 2005.
application/vnd.sun.xml.impress, 12 kb

Folder  PyCon 2006: New Tools for Testing Web Applications with Python
A survey of recent tools for testing "up" the stack, including Selenium and FunkLoad.

File  Introducing CMF 2.0
Presented to the Second North American Plone Symposium, 9 March 2006, New Orleans,.
application/pdf, 392 kb

application/pdf, 377 kb